Kendo Gear – 1920
A Shinai is the Bamboo practice sword used in the Japanese Martial Art called Kendo.? My grandfather was a Kendo practitioner while he was with us and these are some of his Shinai.
I've been slowly refurbishing?the Shinai. The leather parts disintegrate over the years. But the?bamboo slats hold up surprisingly well after all these years.
I have also refurbished his uniform/armor and will post pics soon.
BlackHawk – HK USP Pistol Case – Olive Drab
Manufacturer: BlackHawk (USA)
Type: Pistol Case
Maxpedition – Toadstool Versipack – Black
Manufacturer: Maxpedition (USA)
Type: Versipack – Range Bag
Is this Gun/MFG/Accessory worth it?
Is this Gun/MFG/Accessory worth it?
Without knowing someones personal financial status and what they’re looking for in reliabilty/performance, it’s hard to answer a “worth it” it type of question. We have no idea what you can afford or what you are expecting when your purchase to judge if “GUN X” is worth your purchasing…
My buget for airsoft is pretty high, so things being worth it are relative to what I can spend. I’ve also purchased alot of items where I know they lack in performance, but they are decent replicas for a disply case. So what’s worth it for me, is not the same for anyone else.
So, instead of asking an open ended question like this. Do some research on your own. (Research does not equal posting your questions cuz your too lazy to google them) Ask specific questions of a specifc gun/mfg and state relative points like how much you are willing to spend, time frame of purchase, what kind of reliability/performance your expecting, etc.
Presently there’s TONS of airsoft info available to Google. Not so much, when alot of us first started airsoft, so this is why you get answers to this kinda quetions like “Search!”. If you do a little searching for info on your own in earnest, it will show in your post on what kind of questions you want answered. Should save the poster from being flamed and get a direct answer to your question.
If you really want to be lazy and not do any research though, contact any 1 of our local retailers and ask that same question. They actully get paid to answer questions like this. Keep in mind, most of us here are doing it for free, just to try and be helpful.
Western Arms – MARSOC
Manufacturer: Western Arms (Japan)
Type: GBB
The real steel version of this gun is made by Kimber for the U.S. Marine Corps Special Operations Command Det1 . And the Civilian version is called the Warrior. Faithfully reproduced by WA.
WA MARSOC vs. Kimber Warrior comparison shots by Military Moron hosted by AEX
This is a SCW version 2 and uses the WA 23 round Wilson Combat "Single Stack" magazine. There is a big difference in gas capacity between this magazine and my WA ParaOrdnance mags. I also notice a difference in the slide kick, seeming to be weaker then the Para versions.
Chrono Results (FPS)
Green Gas
.20 BB's
Min: 317.33
Max: 324.23
Avg: 319.78
Classic Army – M249 Para – MK46 Mod0
Manufacturer: Classic Army (Hong Kong)
Type: AEG
Date Aquired:?10/03/05
Wanted to get some info out quickly, so this will be a quickie. There seems to be a nice trend where retailers are doing nice reviews of products now, so as not to duplicate info, checkout AEX's CA249 Review.
- Metal in all the right places.
- Well engineered metal top cover with rail (See Pic).
- US Style Hand Guards and Heat Shield (Real M249 Paras don't have the upper Heat Shield).
- Plastic parts have a flat finish.
- PGC Style gearbox!!! Shoots hard and "easily" upgradeable.
- Classic Army Catalog Shows their AK
Also, seems it was used for chrono testing LOL (Nice bb strike went through the whole catalog)
- Pieces fit very tightly together. This can be viewed as a Pro, but in this case it seems to be an engineering deal (i.e. you have to adjust the position of a few items to get an item like the top cover to close properly).
- The outer and inner barrel removal to replace the battery take a little practice (See AEX's CA249 Review).
- Looks to have very limited room in the handguard for battery. Only Mini batterys will fit. But Laylax Battery Sling works well in this situation.
- Heavy! Not for the 98lb weakling. At 14' lbs w/o battery or ammo, it'll give you a field workout. This is about 1 pound lighter then the real steel version.
I may do the mod where you can fit the AEG Battery in the box mag and wire the box mag to the M249's trigger. At this point I still like the option of using M16 style low and mid caps.
Chrono Results (FPS)
.20 BB's
Min: 319.43
Max: 327.22
Avg: 322.43
New Pics!
Getting closer to the MK46 Mod0?variant!!!
The MK46 Mod0 ala GR Advanced Warfighter
Tokyo Marui – M14
Manufacturer: Tokyo Marui (Japan)
Type: AEG
Wow!!! is all I can say for now… There's a few VERY In Depth reviews already out:
Airsoft Extreme's TM M14 Review
Hammermod's TM M14 Review
So instead of me re-writing the Airsoft Extreme's TM M14 Review or
Hammermod's TM M14 Review. I will try and speak on subjects they may have not touched on.
Marui did it again!!! This is going to become an M21/M25 eventually!!! Parts on order! And also waiting for the plethora of 3rd party parts that usually follow a Marui release.
Wow pretty powerful for a stock AEG!
Chrono Results (FPS)
.20 BB's
Min: 318.23
Max: 321.65
Avg: 319.60
M21 Modification
Added the following:
- King Arms Scope Mount
- Guarder Cheek Rest
- Dummy 7.62 round (Pressed by me)
- King Arms Offset Cantilever Mount
- USGI M14 Sling
- Harris 2a Bipod Adapter
- Classic Army Bipod (Harris Replica)
- ZOS 1.5-6×42 Zip Focus, Illuminated Mil-Dot Reticle Scope
One thing to note. The synthetic stock is flexing with the bipod attached. While TM did have a mounting hole for a bipod on the foregrip of the stock. I'm not too sure they meant for a bipod to actually go there by the flex in the stock.
With the TGS EBR (Enhanced Battle Rifle) Kit
Adding the TGS EBR Kit does have many improvements over the original TM stock. It's a well built addon kit and realtively easy to install (The included directions make the install more difficult). It does add weight to the over all rifle when installed, but the folding stock makes the rifle easier to handle. The added body rigidity, but the foregrip carried large battery does make thr EBR front heavy. Oh did I mention this AEG is now heavy?
With the TGS EBR (Enhanced Battle Rifle) Kit
Tokyo Marui – IMI UZI
Manufacturer: Tokyo Marui (Japan)
Type: AEG
Dunno what possesed me. As my buddy Bruiser @ AEX said, "Why the heck you get the Marui Uzi??? Oh yeah… you're a chairsofter…"
Just got it… It's already been reviewed elswhere
But I can say, chrono results are low compared to other stock TM AEG's, probably due to the short barrel and the "Real-Shock" simulated blow back system.
Even though this AEG has been around for a while (Released in 1998), because it uses the Version 5 gearbox, there are virtually ZERO internal upgrades for the TM UZI.
Chrono Results (FPS)
.20 BB's
Min: 256.82
Max: 258.36
Avg: 257.01