Well they came out and I scored them for 2 of my cars!
Simple design easy install adn they just work!
Add car adapter and rememebr to take you PS with you when you park, and you're ready to go!
Well now that the US version of the PSP has been released, I can confirm a few things:
I'm a little disappointed about the Region Encoding on commercial UMD movies, but since i was able to convert DVD movies to Memory Stick early on, it's not that bad.
Next project… Getting the PSP to see a USB Hard Drive. Stay Tuned…
It was kinda funny having a PSP so soon after the Japan release and no games. But it was cool figuring out how to flatten DVD's to the Memory Stick and playing around with the 802.11 wireless.
PSP GAMES!!! Minna No Golf and Metal Gear Ac!d
Today I scored a few games for the PSP. I'll write a few mini reviews of the games I get, but eventually I write proper ones as time permits.
Now that I've had a chance to play these games here's some other cool features I discovered for UMD Gameplay:
Minna No Golf "Golf with Friends"
OK it's a cutesy golf game but it does support multiple players over wireless which was the main reason decided to get it (cept I dunno anyone else with a PSP locally yet ). But suprisingly it's a hella fun golf game!!!
All the 3D and physics you'd expect from a console or pc version golf game in the tiny PSP.
Still figuring out alot that the game has to offer, but so far it was an easy one to pick up playing. Will post more later.
Metal Gear Ac!d
Yup! This is part of the famous Metal Gear franchise. BUT this isn;t your normal MG title.
It's Metal Gear meets Turn Based Card Gaming (i.e. Magic, Pokemon, etc). This MG version is a card-based simulation that progresses as a series of missions. Gameplay is somewhat like a 3D board game or RTS, in that players have a set number of moves and actions to take in a given turn sequence — play out your Weapon card to take down an enemy, play the box Item card to duck into hiding when foes are on patrol, and play the Ninja or Roy Campbell Character card to call in some heavy-duty support from your allies in the field.
BUT!!! Don't even think of getting this game if you don't read Japanese. Most of the game is story based (at least in story mode). You'll enjoy it more in your native language.
Will post more later.
PSP in the OC!!!
Man what can I say… It's friggin beautiful!!!!
I'm very fortunate to be married to wonderful woman who happened to be in Japan during the PSP release and she picked 1 up for me.
When she picked up the PSP there were no games available from the specifc store, so I own a PSP with no games for now LOL.
BUT! I've already compressed 2 DVD's to play off the PSP. They run at 320×240 resolution using a Quicktime MPEG4 format. I scored a 512MB Memory Stick Pro Duo (The short memory type sticks) and it wil hold 2 2+ hour movies plus some MP3's and Jpgs.
PSP Playing Appleseed 2004. Origin – DVD.
Ths PSP has an impressive array of connectivity options:
802.11 Wireless. Detected all my 802.11 wireless networks at home and at work. Doesn't seem to like 128bit WEP encryption though. Stil trying to figure out…
USB 2.0. Using the smaller USB type connector, the PSP is auto detected as a mass storage device when hooked to an XP system. Simply copy paste files to the PSP. Files will be stored on Memory Stick.
Memory Stick Pro Duo. This type of memory stick can be read in most memory stick readers using the full size memory stick adapter.
More more more. No time to write for now, will post more later.
This is a result of the new process/company I started last year. Full Metal Imaging. Basically I can vaporize images directly onto powder coated metal or any materials that can be heated to 400 degrees. So this was something I was goofing around with.
Camo Pattern and Artwork by one of my favorite artists, embedded into the coating on the metal case
This process is a bit too expensive to start doing any mass computer case imaging though.
Not sure why "pack-rat-itis" strikes some of us harder then others, but it does… My classic computing offerings:
Compaq Portable III
I've been thinking about gutting this and putting a flex-itx setup in it… Oh well just another project for now…
IBM PCs and AT
I dunno why I keep these anchors. Everytime I try and toss them I stop for some reason. There are 2 authentic IBM PC 8086 and 1 IBM PC AT in this pic. Too bad they are too heavy to easily take them out for better pics for now. Just hollar if you want to see this in more detail
Timex Sinclar
No pic yet… Gotta find it. It's so tiny it's easy to loose…
Apple II Clones
No pic yet… I got at least 2 of these still around at my parent's house. 1 is still functioning and has a working copy (as of 1998) of the original Castle Wolfenstein on 5.25" floppy!
Manufacturer: G&P (Hong Kong)
Type: Magazine
G&P CA870 22Rds Short Magazine
I've alwyas had a problem with the 44 round stock magazines of teh CA870. Probably due to the fact I've never seen a Remington 870 with a magazine. So when G&P released these low profile mags i had to score a couple.
Only had them a few days, so my report wil be brief.
Manufacturer: Hero Arms
Type: Magazine
As you can seen by my AEG's I do like the G3 family of rifles. So when it was announced on Arnie's that there was a new electric C-mag available, I order one that day from War4 Airsoft, Hong Kong.
Hero Arms – G3 C-Mag Electric Drum Magazine
Since it was such a new release there was about a 4 day shipping delay from War4, that they said was Hero Arm's delay. I did end up getting the mag as promised though.
Hero Arms – G3 C-Mag Electric Drum Magazine
From the pictures I had seen I knew that this C-Mag was a much better desing then the Mosquito Molds MOSMAG for the G3 I picked up about a year ago. And I was not disappointed at all opening the Hero Arms box. Great build quality and very nice C-Mag Replica.
Operation wise it's pretty straight forward. But the motor is about 3 times louder then and of my mechboxes or my DTP Electric C-Mag for my M4's (The DTP C-mag uses a r/c sevo motor. Will find out more on the Hero version).
The detachable remote switch is a nice feature unless it somehow gets lost in the field.
I got an email from a user on Arnie's asking where the batteries go. When I recieved mine the battteries we already installed but I'll post anyway.
You need to remove 3 phillips head screws from the center harness and 2 allen screw on the left side plate to have access to the battery compartment. The large phillips head in the center of the left plate is NOT A REAL SCREW
Manufacturer: First Factory (Japan)
Type: Scope and Light Mount
First Factory – MK23 Under/Scope Mount Set. Also Pictured is the Chameleon Japan RIS Coupler
The First Factory Under/Scope Mount set enables you attach standard 20mm rail accessories such as tactical lights and red dot scopes to the MK23.
This mounts are machined aluminum and very well built to exact tolerances.
First Factory – MK23 Under/Scope Mount Set. Also pictured is the FF 16mm to 14mm CCW Thread Adapter
Manufacturer: First Factory (Japan)
Type: Airsoft Accessories
First Factory Metal Gun Stands
I picked these up just because they look different then the typical clear plastc pistol stands. Great all metal, chrome plated stand that come in a set of 2. Each stand uses chromed, threaded, metal pegs that easily attach and adjust to many configurations.
You'll start seeing these stand being used on any new post that I need to display a pistol.
Manufacturer: Laylax, Satellite (Japan)
Type: External AEG Upgrades
Laylax, Satellite, 3 Point, External Battery Pack Sling
Received this item yesterday and finally had some time today to take a look at it.
From the claims from the manufacturer, this product lives up 100%. It is an EASY way to add large battery capacity to AEG's that are limited to mini batteries in the foregrip. Install time was under 2 minutes… EASY!!!
The battery pack portion of the sling is fully adjustable and using a inline 8 cell 9.6 battery will fit no problem. It may even fit a 10.8 battery, but cannot confirm yet. This portion of the sling has a male, large tamiya type connector. there's also an elastic sleeve that covers the red wiring and white connector from your large battery.
The other end of wiring is a female, mini Tamiya type connector, with enough extra wiring to fit most foregrip battery installs. In this situation with my M4 S, this simplifies the battery changeout process due to the fact an 8.4 mini battery barely.
Battery change out is a breeze! Simply pull the sling down, so your AEG slides to your lower back and the battery pack will slide from your back to your shoulder. At this point it could be a 1 handed operation granted you can reconnect the fresh battery with 1 hand. Close the velcro flaps back up, and pull your AEG back into the ready position, and battery pack slides over your shoulder to yoru back again. No pins to pull, or foregrips to open or fumbling around with wiring to try and close the foregrip properly.
This sling portion is an "old school" style of 3 point sling. Meaning the adjustable/sliding portion of the sling towards the foregrip, does not have a locking buckle. For me it's a little annoying because all my other 3 point slings have the locking buckle, but is very easy to get used to and the sling still assists with load bearing of the AEG. This sling comes with a front HK style sling clip, and a rear free sliding clip. You will need to have clip compatible sling points or extra webbing to accomodate the clips.
I've done many different external mods on my personal AEG's to accomodate larger capacity batteries, Crane Stock, Full Stock, Ready Mag, AN-PEQ's and this is definetly the easiest way to mod for a larger battery.