Peltor – Tactical 6-S Electronic Hearing Protection

Manufacturer: Peltor (USA)
Type: Electronic Hearing Protection

The Peltor Tactical S-6 is a lightweight, electronic hearing protection system.

Peltor – Tactical S-6 Electronic Hearing Protector

"To hear weak sounds and at the same time be protected against loud noise is a formidable task. However, with the Peltor Tactical 6-S, this becomes possible. Tactical 6-S effectively perceives and localizes weak sounds. A separate microphone, receiver, amplifier and volume control in each cup give the Tactical 6-S true stereophonic reception. Impulse noise is immediately attenuated. Assisted by an ?electronic vent,? the hearing protector will reduce hazardous impulse noises from firearms to harmless levels within five milliseconds. This eliminates the risk of hazardous noise reaching the ear with damaging effects. Tactical 6-S is a hearing protector that listens when appropriate and also attenuates when needed."

Peltor – Tactical S-6 Electronic Hearing Protector

Peltor – Tactical S-6 Electronic Hearing Protector