Nades, nades and more nades.
The airsoft launcher style grenades are typically gas powered and fire from single large slugs to multiple bb's (up to 180 bb models exist) at once. I had lost interest in airsoft grenade launchers due to the original Mosquito Molds grenade design. They are typically hard to reset, cannot take green gas and need to be carefully handled.

 More Updated Collection Pic.
 G36 Grenadiers 😉
Mosquito Molds, 24 BB, 6mm version {simplegrade:3}
The Mosquito Molds 24BB 6mm version is one of the original style M203 type airsoft grenades. I've only fired it using HFC134A gas, since it being of Japanese origin and not wanting to replace o-rings if at all possible. This is built under the original ball bearing/spring/piston style which is sometimes tricky to reset.
UPDATE! Installed the Army Code 40mm Internal Upgrade Kit. Performance is awesome and my MM grenades can now take green gas. More info here.
Mosquito Molds, 18 BB, 8mm version {simplegrade:3}
The Mosquito Molds 18BB 8mm uses a new piston then found in the inital M203 type airsoft grenades. I've only fired it using HFC134A gas, since it being of Japanese origin and not wanting to replace o-rings if at all possible. This is built under the original ball bearing/spring/piston style which is sometimes tricky to reset.
UPDATE! Installed the Army Code 40mm Internal Upgrade Kit. Performance is awesome and my MM grenades can now take green gas. More info here.
Mosquito Molds, 165 BB Shower {simplegrade:3}
This is an awesome grenade with some serious pelting power. 165 bb's at once. The internal are based on the orginal MM internals with an updated piston. I've only fired it using HFC134A gas, since it being of Japanese origin and not wanting to replace o-rings if at all possible. This is built under the original ball bearing/spring/piston style which is sometimes tricky to reset.
UPDATE! Installed the Army Code 40mm Internal Upgrade Kit. Performance is awesome and my MM grenades can now take green gas. More info here.
Classic Army 24BB Grenade {simplegrade:2}
This is Classic Army's take on the 40mm grenade. Extremely well designed and afforadable. It will take Green Gas with no problem and it's relatively easy to reset. Unfortunatley this nade started to malfunction (main valve won't close properly to hold gas) about 3 weeks after purchase. |
Madbull 18BB Grenade {simplegrade:5}
The Madbull 18BB Grenade takes green gas and is easy to reset. Extremely well designed. |
VFC/GB-Tech Slug Type Grenade {simplegrade:4}
The VFC/GB-Tech Slug Grenade fires a single 40mm rubber shell. It comes with 6 rubber projectiles. The projectiles are 2 piece are made of light rubber with a plastic carrier. This grenades internals allow for easy resetting. This is an extremely LOUD grenade when fired and the force is awesome. Unfortunately the main O-ring blew using green gas after only a few fills, but I've found local replacment o-rings.
Madbull Slug Grenade {simplegrade:5}
The Madbull Slug Grenade fires a single 40mm rubber shell. This grenades internals allow for green gas use and is easy to reset. The rubbber projectile is very heavy and hits with a great deal of force. This is an extremely LOUD greande. Although AEX has these in stock, They are only for sale to Law Enforcement. |
Mosquito Molds – PEQ-2 Mini Moscart Set {simplegrade:4}
This is a 27mm grenade set. It's a unique and reliable design. More detailed info here. |