Marushin – Togusa Mateba M-M2007

Manufacturer: Marushin (Japan)
Type: NBB

Marushin – Togusa Mateba M-M2007

While my last experience with Marushin GBB was pretty disappointing (Marushin 5-7), I was pleasantly surprised with the build quality and performance of their release of the Mateba. The Marushin Mateba is modeled after the Real Steel Italian made autorevolver Model 6. The creation of this specific model was inspired by the Manga, Ghost in the Shell and the use of it by a character named Togusa. This specific Mateba does not exist though but has the Model Number M207

Marushin – Togusa Mateba M-M2007

The Marushin Mateba is almost all metal in build. Frame, Cylinder, Outer Barrel, Trigger Mechanism and Cartridge Casings are all metal. The trigger is double action, so the firing mechanism is more like a NBB (Non Blow Back) pistol. Because of this, the Marushin Mateba has been handling Green Gas just fine so far. It fires the large 8mm BB’s and carries 6 shots. Each shot is loaded into an individual shell casing, then those are loaded into the cylinder.

The gun comes with 6 re loadable shell casings a 1 collectors bullet modeled after a "tracer" round which can be used as a cell phone strap or ornament.

Marushin – Togusa Mateba M-M2007 – Optional Belt Holster

The optional Belt Holster will finish out any " Suit and Tie" Section 9 setup and fits the Marushin Mateba perfectly.

Chrono results (FPS)
Green Gas
8mm , .27 BB's
Avg: 320